
Back to Sarah S’ page > Majesty Impressive beauty Supreme Sovereign Magnificent Having all Power and Authority Yet you gave up all that for me In Humility Jesus, did not consider equality with God something to be used or abused He did not manipulate the situation Pride was not in his vocabulary Rather, humility A […]

Back to Sarah S’ page > New Year, Solitude The day is lacking, The devil’s attacking Alone, outcast His lies come at me fast I search my mind, And there I find one word Eternity Eternity – infinite, unending time But nothing like this Sublime Bliss Nothing like this I turn to praise Gratitude for […]

Back to Sarah S’ page > We are all more flawed and sinful than we could ever believe yet we are more loved and accepted than we ever dared hope, we all fall short of God’s glory whatever our story but what are you telling your gay sisters and brothers about sin. God shows us […]

Back to Sarah S’ page > Are you one who knocks hard and loud, are you a timid knocker almost scared to make a sound, do you knock then turn and scarper, do you knock and plant your anchor, refusing to move until the door is opened, are you a repetitive striker, someone who knocks […]

Back to Sarah S’ page > When you read I hope you feel awestruck – that’s how this makes me feel See, my life is not about luck or anything I did right, it’s about something that happened way before time began God had a plan and that plan included me I’ve belonged to Jesus […]
The Horizon

Back to Sarah S’ page > My horizon is clearer, I’ve stopped looking back and the horizon is nearer, It’s within my grasp, at last I am able to see more clearly the unique plan God has for me, Simply believing was never how it was meant to be, Believing is not a commitment But […]
Time with God

Back to Sarah S’ page > I wrote this as a response to some of my first encounters with answered prayer! – Success, I had a situation last night and the first thing I did was pray!! You know what, it worked, it may have been a quick arrow prayer, God help me in this […]

Back to Sarah S’ page > How amazing is our God, like a fiercely protective parent should be, he never fails us and this is why I wrote this poem Never thought of it like this before, never thought that God looked down on me to draw up a plan of action and then mobilised […]

Back to Sarah S’ page > I wrote this about a year after I became a Christian and it reflects where I was on my walk at that point in time. Sometimes I am wearing a mask to try and fit in, maybe to try and show I am “good enough” to be a Christian, […]
The greatest love of all

Back to Sarah S’ page > INTRO Psalm 51 speaks of David’s deep sorrow, remorse and repentance after sexually sinning with Bathsheba. In reading this Psalm we are led to recognise the real meaning of sacrifice. Verses 16 & 17 say: You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take […]