
New Year,


The day is lacking,

The devil’s attacking

Alone, outcast

His lies come at me fast

I search my mind,

And there I find one word


Eternity – infinite, unending time

But nothing like this



Nothing like this

I turn to praise

Gratitude for God’s saving grace

Recognition that submission doesn’t come without cost

Friendships lost

Security shaken


No, something doesn’t sit right with that

Truth is my one constant is God

He’s here with me now

Never left me, never forsook me

Whilst others abandoned me because of my faith

It was God who showed me his face

God who picked up the pieces

Reconstructed the shattered pieces of my soul

And he is here, now, in this place

I choose to embrace my destiny

Enjoying my New Year solitude in his company

Simply this – my God is King


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