My horizon is clearer, I’ve stopped looking back and the horizon is nearer,
It’s within my grasp, at last I am able to see more clearly the unique plan God has for me,
Simply believing was never how it was meant to be,
Believing is not a commitment
But my commitment is changing the way that I live, the thoughts that I have and the way I behave
God didn’t save me so I could rot and decay
He saved me so I could have life in abundance, joy, peace and love running through my veins
God took the impossible and made it possible, impossible is where God started with me
I gave him my heart and he gave me a new horizon, a new future,
I gave him my heart and he kicked into action, started to fashion me into a new creation and when God takes action things really happen,
He takes us as we are, the raw material which we present with but he never leaves us that way, there’s not one day goes by that God is not working in me
Moulding and building me
For he knows the plans he has for me.
Being like the world, well that’s no longer my goal,
Being like the world leaves a hole, a void in your heart that aches for healing, healing that comes from kneeling and praying to a loving Father who’d rather we forgot the past and looked forward to new horizons
The Lioness is arising in me ready to roar in response to the call of a Father who fills my horizon with rainbows
His promises never fail,
His plan prevails
Trust it, live it, enjoy it
No borders, no barriers, no failures
I am now one of God’s fearless warriors, drawing ever nearer to God my Saviour
Changing my words, thoughts and behaviour.
Isaiah 43:1,2- Don’t be afraid. I have rescued you. I have called you by name; now you belong to me. When you cross deep rivers, I will be with you, and you won’t drown. When you walk through fire, you won’t be burned or scorched by the flames’
What an amazing promise from God, think about it – “I belong to God” you know that sounds good and all I had to do was trust God, trust his word and believe in him and he gave me absolutely everything.
The Rev12 Project is managed by:
Transformed Ministries
Company registered in England 12315194
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