
We are all more flawed and sinful than we could ever believe yet we are more loved and accepted than we ever dared hope, we all fall short of God’s glory whatever our story but what are you telling your gay sisters and brothers about sin.  God shows us quite clearly we were not called to fit in with secular culture, but the vultures keep circling when you speak about this one sin, it’s like we are being pressured to give in and deny the truth of the Bible, like being a disciple of God is OK so long as you say it’s OK to be gay, but today I urge you to think this through, what can you do to make a difference to convince others that forgiveness and grace are freely given but also be clear that if you want to get to heaven then you’ve got to get it together, we are valued, God loves us but here’s where it gets tough, love is not enough, let me talk about the eternal consequences of continuing on the path of disobedience; that is, death and separation from God.  And OK yes it’s hard to hear and I’m not judging, just loving, I’m not preaching, just reaching in with God’s wise words tempered with kindness, don’t become blind to the mess, stop saying yes when God says no, our God does not lie, he wants you, he want me, don’t be afraid to do the one thing that sets others free, encourage each other, build up your brother as you walk together, speak freely as family, you want them set free right?  You want them to see the light then don’t hide yours under a bushel, don’t go along with the majority because you’re too timid to speak out, don’t think you’re doing me a favour by condoning my behaviour, love me unconditionally but help set me free from the lies that surround me, speak in honesty, speak biblically, speak freely so that I can see that the place God has ordained for me in eternity can become reality with my church family surrounding me with truth tempered with love, no more permissiveness, less of the anything goes, more truth, remember to let God’s love show.


New Year’s Eve – alone for the past couple of days with no plans, no invites, no family close by, the devil chose to attack.  But for all that he tried to suck me in to a place of despair his plans backfired and I had a great time with the Lord.  But let’s not be naïve, loneliness is a very real part of this journey of honouring God with our SSA and we need to keep close to Jesus at these times in particular.


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