Time with God

I wrote this as a response to some of my first encounters with answered prayer! – Success, I had a situation last night and the first thing I did was pray!! You know what, it worked, it may have been a quick arrow prayer, God help me in this situation, but he did and I’m not meaning to sound surprised because I am not surprised that God helped me, more surprised that I stopped and remembered to ask for his help, something resounded in me that I read recently about the Holy Spirit being there for every situation, he is with me and is my helper, just waiting to be asked.. lesson learned turn everything over to God in prayer.

Prayer, so important taking time to listen to God, doesn’t matter whether you are down or up, decrease the volume of the world  and tune in to God, cos when you stand before God, strength and glory surround you, nothing can defeat you when you trust and look to God

Stand strong in the face of difficulties, draw your strength from the Lord, we do not fear the darkness, for even in the darkness Jesus is light of the world and the darkness does not overcome.  Jesus illuminating your world, seeking out your most anxious thoughts, shining a spotlight on your ways, he knows your heart, your mind, your worries so pray without ceasing.

May praying become like breathing; natural, continual, nurturing your spiritual growth. Slow down to be with God and plug into the power of prayer, he’s always there day or night and right now, whatever you’re facing, God is greater

We know that with God all things are possible and OK so sometimes his answer may not be instant but don’t mistake God’s patience for his absence, his timing is perfect, his presence is constant he is always on hand, the Lamb of God ready to listen to your prayer, ready to concentrate solely on you, to welcome you into his presence with a smile on his face as he freely pours out his mercy and grace.


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