Simply a celebration of the Good Shepherd and how he looks after me!
The Lord is my shepherd
He builds up my strength
Goes to great lengths to take care of my needs
Heals me when I am sick and comforts me when I am sad
The Lord is my shepherd.
A shepherd goes to great lengths to protect their flock
To take stock and notice when one goes astray
To ensure no sheep ever gets away
The Lord is my shepherd.
The Lord is my shepherd
He never lost sight of me
Wherever I hid, his light shone upon me
Wherever I ran he got there before me
The Lord is my shepherd.
A shepherd cares both day and night, observing his charges
Using his might to lift those that have fallen in rocky terrain
Returning them to the main flock again.
The Lord is my shepherd
He’s always been there
Just a matter of time before I noticed he cares
Understanding his deep love for me
The Lord is my shepherd he rescued me.
The Rev12 Project is managed by:
Transformed Ministries
Company registered in England 12315194
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