Worshipping the creation vs. the creator.
Where do I begin?
My heart I’ve given away.
Piece by piece, too many times
If she loved me, I’d give her a piece
If she looked at me a certain way,
Smiled at me in some kind of way,
My heart was hers!
She shortly thereafter became my idol.
I worshipped the ground she walked on
I obeyed her every command
No matter how big or how little,
Nothing was to big of an ask.
Whatever she wanted, I made sure to get for her.
No matter the cost, or how much time!
I worshipped her, a false god.
I sinned against THE GOD.
You will reveal your face to
Those who have not lifted their soul to an idol.
The soul stems the desires and I desired all of her;
All the many hers of which not one brought me peace.
When did I choose to believe the lie?
When did I let go & think anything feels better than YOU?
Psalms 24:3-4
Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or, who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands & a pure heart, who has NOT lifted up his soul to an idol or sworn deceitfully (liars).
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Transformed Ministries
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