Why am I so ashamed to give you the mess?

the brokenness, heartbreak, the emotions I suppress,

the wrong things I think, the wrong things I do

God, please help me give it all over to give you.


The things that have happened, the things of the past

have no hold on me now because your love is vast

every day I need to think of the good that you do,

God, please help me give it all over to you.


I feel so alone, I feel so ashamed

I really am sorry for passing the blame

I dwell on all the pain that I have been put through

God, please help me give it all over to you


The sense of belonging I very much need

doesn’t come from this world of selfishness and greed

but I struggle to trust that your promise is true

God, please help me give it all over to you.


This craving I have, the need to feel loved

is Something I’ve been given, it comes from above.

Your love is so perfect, it fills me anew

God, please help me give it all over to you.


I know I get angry; I know that I lie

but these feelings have always helped me to hide,

helped me hide the emotions too hard to work through

God, please help me give it all over to you.


The life that I lead, is not based on this world,

but it’s based on the truth, the bible, your word.

The world has a lens with a distorted view.

God, please help me to see a lot more of you.


I cry myself to sleep at night, wondering my worth

but Jesus came down and He put me first.

He died on the cross, that pain he went through

God, please help me see that my worth is in you.


A lot of the time I feel anxious and depressed

I need you to show me that won’t make you love me less.

The hope, faith, and joy that I know to be true.

God, please help me trust that love comes from you.


You love me so much that you died for you my sin

you fight in my place so all battles I will win.

At the foot of the cross, begins my rescue God,

please show me how I can keep trusting you.


The freedom I have in your son, Jesus Christ

has given me a purpose, a family, new life.

I know that you’re faithful in all that you do

God, thank you for letting me give it all over to you


Lord, I thank you for church, and the people in my life.

I thank you for brothers and sisters in Christ

I thank you for doing all that you do

God, please help me give all the glory to you.


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