

I grew up as a Pastor’s kid. I knew about Jesus, but didn’t really have a personal relationship with Him. I did not understand God’s love for me on a personal level. All my life I struggled with paralyzing and debilitating fear. I lived in constant terror and accepted it as my way of life.

I was molested when I was younger. This caused me to feel unsafe around men. When I got older and began to date, I entered into abusive relationships with women. During these relationships, I discovered alcohol as a way to cope with pain and fear. I began to drink day and night to live a “normal” life.

Alcohol became my god.

In 2017, I began to smoke meth with my girlfriend. One night I began to overdose. I was on the verge of death and the spirit of death came to take me to hell. While in the hospital, my parents and I were praying. The moment I released unforgiveness in my heart, God healed me and I surrendered my life to Him!

I am grateful for the freedom I now have in Jesus!  He set me free from fear, SSA, and multiple addictions!

I’m thankful to have found Transformed Ministries where I have received love, support, and accountability to continue on this journey of freedom!

Psalm 68:20

“Our God is a mighty God who saves us over and over! For the Lord, Yahweh, rescues us from the ways of death many times.”


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