No Surprises


What surprises you most about Jesus?  That was the thought provoking challenge on my daily reading this morning.  As I mulled that thought over, it came to me that I think the thing that challenges me most (maybe not surprises me) is the fact that Jesus stayed silent on a topic that is close to my heart, namely homosexuality.  Jesus never spoke directly about it, although I do believe it is covered off by his direct reference to the purpose of marriage for man and woman. Challenging, yes, difficult, yes but surprising, no.  Doesn’t it say in John 13:7 – You do not realise now what I am doing, but later you will understand.”



Ask and God will answer, seek him out, ask him the difficult questions, don’t be scared to mention things that bug you, things that scare you, the questions that you wouldn’t dare ask those close to you for fear of ridicule or judgment

If you want to find out what God is all about then talk to him, open your heart, let him become an integral part of your journey of discovery, don’t rely on the word of the enemy who seriously wants to steal your joy

Don’t look at your situation and underestimate God’s ability to guide you into eternity, don’t take the word of man over God

If you look hard enough you’ll find the answer, absorbed in God’s word there is no danger of missing what’s on his heart, He will illuminate your path

Just because “Jesus didn’t say” doesn’t mean that it’s OK to be disobedient to God in any way, just because Jesus paid for your sin doesn’t mean you can continue to disobey

He says to love him with all your heart, not keep a little part back, hold out your hands and give it all back, don’t cheat yourself and don’t cheat God, it’s not so hard to give it all to God who loves us, to trust our lives 100 percent to Jesus.


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